So, this is the part of the site where I write a post saying what type of content I’m going to generate, that I’m going to post here more often than I used to, etc. I’ve done this enough times and abandoned it enough times to be self aware enough to know what I’m doing, but not quite self aware enough to actually avoid repeating my clichés.
Before we get into it, I’d like to take a moment to recognize the fact that my Google keyboard doesn’t correct the word “Clichés” by default. It wouldn’t add the accent mark, or the umlat or whatever the fuck that is. I have to wonder if that’s because if you add the accent mark in a less formal method of communication you look a bit pretentious. It does same thing with “Café” I had to teach it that. This is how language evolves, I suppose.
Either way, I’m already off track, manifesto. Right. Okay, so in the past I’ve written everything on these sites from video game posts (I had a review of Final Fantasy XV called “Final Fantasy XV: Bromance of the Three Kingdoms”, which I wrote basically because I thought I had a kick-ass clever title for a review.), To anicdotes from my every day life (these are rare, I’m not that interesting), to random rants, journal entries (hopefully in a slightly less emo xanga style than in the past but it is what it is), and whatever else I feel like at the moment.
At one point I had aspirations to make this into a tech blog of sorts (I love the fuck out of this domain, which is why I dropped for it), but I don’t have the time to put into something like that, and quite frankly I don’t have the passion to try and keep up with that. I have a day job, which I’m pretty okay with.
So that’s it. Really, I’m looking forward to getting back into this. I keep a personal journal now, so that should make things much less angsty and emo around here this time. I’m hoping that I can get past some of my over editing tendencies and reduce the amount of time it takes me to generate content.